13 12 2017

Cloudy Floor at Great Price only Here

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(31 votes)
Cloud floors or floors with cloud effect. Have you already seen a floor covering that allows youto feel as if on a cloud? It feels like you walk right across…
19 06 2017

Spatulate Cement Floor Prices starting from 55 EURO per sqm

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Currently, the price for micro-cement is EUR 25 per sq. m. Labor costs: from  EUR 30, depending on the complexity of the application and volumes, etc. OUR OFFERS FOR MICROCEMENT…
04 10 2016

Microcement price, best price only here

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Minirasex microcement. Prices. Currently the price for APSE microcement is EUR 25 per sq. m. Labour costs: from  EUR 30, depending on the complexity of the application and volumes, etc.…
03 10 2016

Floor prices in resin, from 55 Eur all Inclusive

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(14 votes)
Resin floors. Prices! Currently the price for resin floors and EUR 55-60 per square meter (of which EUR 30 go for  materials,  and EUR 25 go for application). Labor costs:…

minirazex na mal2019

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