Resin floors for interiors!
Our company has a proven experience of working with resin floors for indoor and any other kind of use. In our gallery of completed projects, you will always find examples with a detailed description of the whole application cycle of each specific coating. Our craftsmen have created and implemented an enormous quantity of variants of the preparation of the underlying surface. We are looking forward to sharing our experience with you and giving you the best advice on how to avoid mistakes during the application of a resin floor you have chosen.
Advices for a correct preparation of the base and the application of a resin floor.
Resin floors for interiors have become very popular due to their versatility. They are able to create a continuous and perfectly smooth surface that tolerates high humidity levels or temperature changes. Resins for interior flooring offer infinite possibilities to enhance the beauty of your interior design.
Necessary materials and the application technique of a resin floor.
- The initial and the most important phase is the preparation of the surface for pouring. It should be rubbed down to avoid the possibility of slopes and drips. If the pre-existing surface is already smooth, it is enough to clean it from dust for better adhesion of the material.
- Subsequently, the primer is applied. The use of a specific primer is important to avoid the appearance of air bubbles. Also, it improves the material adhesion.
- If the pre-existing surface is covered with tiles it is not necessary to demolish them. Just do the grinding and fill the joints with a special filler. Then, primer layer is applied, and after drying is rubbed down.
- Subsequently the application of the first layer of a self-leveling floor is performed. Being two-component, the mesh should be carefully calculated and prepared with the addition of mineral fillers in order to use 1-1.5 kg per 1 sq m, with a thickness of about 1-1.2 mm.
- After 24 hours the floor is ready to be walked on(20 * C).
- If you want to get a protective anti-slip effect, apply an additional layer. The second layer is thinner and therefore the consumption of the material is less. It is applied with a special roller and after drying (not more than 24 hours)the floor can be walked on.